AI is evolving so quickly it can be hard to keep all the different types straight. That’s especially true when it comes to conversational AI and conversation AI. Not only do both use AI to enable natural-sounding conversations, but their names are so similar they’re often (mistakenly) used interchangeably, adding to the confusion.
But there are important differences when it comes to conversational AI vs. conversation AI, and understanding those...
By Ricardo Saltz Gulko
This article is published through a partnership with the European CX Organisation (ECXO). Read the original here.
The Net Promoter Score (NPS) has long been a widely used metric for assessing customer loyalty, satisfaction, and the potential for customer churn as a relationship and transactional metric. Despite its widespread use across various industries, NPS has come under scrutiny for not providing a holistic view of the customer experience. This article...
By Ricardo Saltz Gulko
This article is published through a partnership with the European CX Organisation (ECXO). Read the original here.
As we have explored,...
This article was written as part of a partnership between 1to1 Media and the European Customer Experience Organization.
Talk to someone like Lynn Hunsaker and she’ll...